Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Breath of Words

Breath. Breathing. . .

I have come to discover that writing lets out air, a breath, if you will. A sweet release from things contained deep within my innermost being. It nurtures a desire to create (at least in one form). This kind of "breathing" feels amazing. It is a dimension I do not want to be without. I so enjoy the written word. I think of all the thousands upon thousands of books written and thereby all the emotions upon emotions that come about when read. What ties an emotion to a word? How do certain books you get you wrapped up in them from front cover to back in one sitting? 

Think of even some "power" words just by themselves:
'Majestic', 'Astonishing', 'Devastating', 'Turmoil', 'Almighty', 'Tremendous'
What do those words get you to thinking or feeling?

So we can agree there is a certain power in words. Well then how much more powerful are these words when spoken? Or sung? The idea I'm driving toward is you have a creation awaiting in your mouth (not just at the end of a pen!). Yes, that's right. If writing words is considered a creative act, how much more when you speak those words out loud? How much more of an impact is made when a verbal declaration to a circumstance is spoken to with words of joy, peace, faith and hope? Your words create direction every day of your life. Which means every day of your life, you are deciding category POSITIVE or category NEGATIVE as your direction. 

                      "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all their host by the
               breath of His mouth."~Psalm 33:6

I like how the scripture above mentions 'by the breath of His mouth'.  Ideas are wonderful, written words that formulate a plan are awesome..but breathe it and it comes to life!  You know when something grabs a hold in your life and you develop such a passion for it, you breathe it in and out everyday until you see it. Want an example of this playing out? Say all of your life you wanted to be a lawyer. So you had the word "Lawyer" beating on the inside of you day after day. You grew up with it, prepared for it, went to college for it, obviously spoke about today you are a fully functioning lawyer.  How? The breath to the word came alive that's how. That breath eventually becomes a seen reality of what was brewing on the inside of you. Amazing.

Consider the words brewing inside of you, longing for release. Nurture the ones that birth your creation.