Friday, April 26, 2013

Into the Great Unknown. . .

A thick rolling mist is about. . . encompassing. It appears to be the early morning hours of dawn and it is still quite dark. The first few rays of dim light are just beginning. I am alone on the edge of a great field standing before a  vast array of towering trees.  So many I cannot begin to count.  A jungle even, you might say.
There is a distinct feeling of eeriness. I have this weird notion deep within that if I were to gaze behind me there  would exist no past evidence of how I got to where I'm standing. I have knowledge that a great distance has been traveled across this field, but it's as if life, mine, is just about to start. There is no past. I know that I cannot turn back, so I proceed to go forward. The atmosphere is fairly still as I step one foot in front of the other crossing over into the forest. I see absolutely nothing. Darkness is everywhere..even my own hand in front of me is swallowed in the blackness of night. My eyes are wide open, yet I see not one single thing. The only way I know I'm alive is my heart resounding in my ears and the very breath within me. The interesting part is that I am still walking forward without too much trouble. The ground feels dewy with moss under my feet, though I wear shoes. I can hear in the distance high above the trees and yet all around me, worship music. I clearly hear "Rain Down" by Delirious bellowing in the has a saturating feeling, but muffled at the same time. I press on. I still can't see at all. And then for a moment, I catch a glimpse. Like a blind man who is just being allowed the first images of a former unidentified life around him. I see bare feet walking in front of me.  All I can make out is the very bottom of a white, flowing garment which is barely skimming the forest floor.  Are these the footsteps of a man leading me through this darkness? Is this you God? 

I thought I was forging the way myself. I thought I was paving the way with my feet, but suddenly..I am a follower. I come to realize I am following the Master. In this new realm, my shaky footsteps pressed down in the earth are not blazing this trail. It was my heart that took the first step. My heart has been engaged, connecting to the path he was already waiting for me to choose.  And I want to continue on deeper. . .

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